

2012年10月22日 星期一


日期: 2012-10-19 23:25 ~ 00:35
地點: 自家屋頂
目標: NGC 404, NGC 7293, NGC 7009 (fail), NGC 7789 (fail), M1 (fail), M33, M37, M31, M42, M45, Jupiter, Theta Orionis (Trapezium), Rigel, IC 434 (fail), Sigma orion + Stf 761

FS-60CB + Televeu BinoVue on DM-4 with tripod Vixen HAL-130
LE 30; LE 18; LE 5; XF 8.5; XW 3.5; TeleVue 1.25" Bandmate O-III Filter
雜七雜八看了一大堆, 主要是測試這支 DM-4 的能耐, 還有試試看 6cm 下的效果.

先試看看南邊那兩個行星狀星雲 Helix 跟 Saturn Nebula... 不行, 都失敗. 一方面是天況也不好, 連參考星都僅能微微可見而已.

NGC 404 倒是沒有問題, 雙目視 40X 就可見了, 只不過看起來是"星", 如果不知道它就在那裏, 一定認不出來的, 83X 有點盤面了, 142X 太暗看不見. NGC 7293 非常模糊, 效果很差. M1 看不到, M33 OK. M31 看起來倒是蠻美的, 可能視野夠大吧, M45 也適合大視野看.

M42 的雲氣也不錯, 有層次感. Theta Ori. Trapezium A, B, C, D ok. E, F 呢? 10 等星... 不行, 看不見. Sigma Ori. AB (連在一起), D, E ok; C 不行. Struve 761 A, B, C ok; 有 D 喔? 沒看見, 下次試試看. Rigel (參宿七) 雙星? 不行... 等等, 換單眼看, XW 3.5 100X 居然 OK? 天啊, 怎麼這麼神奇, 這... 到底是什麼鬼目鏡這麼厲害? 回頭單眼看四重星, Sigma Ori., 比 BV 更清楚, 看 M31, 雙星團.... 單眼效果不錯耶, 那... 對雙眼的信念... 動搖一些了, 嗚嗚嗚... 對了, 我加了 O-III 看 IC-434, 當然 fail, 不過... 附近真的有雲氣明暗帶耶.

FS-60CB對焦行程短, 用單眼就不能用雙眼, 還要換那個連接對焦座與天頂鏡的 Adapter, 不然就要以雙眼為主, 由於光路會太短, 所以換單眼時, 要把天頂鏡拉出去一些些, 這樣鎖得很不安心, 覺得隨時會掉落, 真麻煩.

至於新歡 DM-4, 真的很神奇, 到現在還覺得有點怪怪不真實, 因為DM-4 又小又輕, 可是非常穩. 沒有微調, 可是可以用手指輕推上下左右, 推一點點也可以, 不會抖動, 可以推得位置很準, 真的太神奇了, 加上HAL-130 整組我一隻手就可以提來提去...

6 則留言:

  1. HI there! I hope it's not too presumptuous of me to comment in English (I type reeeally slowly in Chinese, and I just assumed you're fluent in English from what I read in your blog). Having said that, I really enjoy reading your blog entries. You have really wonderful equipments, and as a newbie to astronomy, I'm quite envious of you because so far I found it impossible to get the type of equipments you've posted in your blog in Taiwan. It seems there aren't any retailers here in Taiwan for the more high-end products. Do you always purchase your equipments overseas yourself? Can you recommend some channels or stores for people in Taiwan to purchase the type of equipment you own? I hope I'm not being too bothersome, and again, thank you for sharing your experiences here in your blog.

    1. Thanks for your praise, I'm really happy that somebody likes these short notes in somewhere. I bought some items on OPT website and I nv been charged for any kind of tax by "USPS" shipping. I survey the price on for JP's stuff, there are 2 choices for my purchase. One is from: , and the other one is from Mr. Lu. who is the webmaster of, I think he has some channels for Takahashi product and I'm quite trust him. As for DM4, I write to Tom directly, he is a nice guy...I'm happy to share anything to you, dun hesitate to email to me,

    2. I also found this website It's based in Europe and they ship items to taiwan, too. What's great is that they will price-match any price you can find that is lower than their listed price. By the way, I just want to make sure, if I go through USPS, Taiwan customs won't withheld my package and charge me tax? The reason I ask is because I had a package sent through "UPS" before and Taiwan customs wont release it until I pay the tax.

    3. the first time I bought from OPT was shipping by UPS, it's same with you. I GUESS, it's UPS's standard operation, pass everything through customs. USPS has different story, I found USPS cooperate with TW's post office, they take over the follow up delivery once the shipping item come to TW, It should be much much more cases than UPS, so hardly go through customs, especially for the small package. I've no idea, it's just my guess. Actually OPT will match price you mentioned, I did send request email to OPT befor I bought TV binoviewer, and they mached. ^____^

    4. another reason is my brother lives in US. I'm not good in english...actually, just not hesitate to write or speak, but if I need more communication or meet any trouble, he can help me there.

  2. Thanks. I think I'll write opt a letter, too! : )
